Valentine with his own hands: the best ideas and master classes for Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is the most romantic holiday of the year. It is on this day you can confess your feelings for the first time, or express your love with a romantic gift. You can also say “I love” with a special greeting card – a valentine, made by hand. Of course, such a souvenir is often purchased in a store or ordered online.
But it’s much better to make a valentine with your own hands, investing your tenderness and love. Today there are many simple, creative and very interesting ideas how to make a valentine out of paper and other improvised materials. And we will reveal for you cool master classes and tell you the secrets of creating beautiful and tender valentines at home.
By the way, a Valentine’s Day card can be given not only to your favorite girl or guy, but also to a friend, girlfriend, mother, sister or classmate.
Of what and how to make a valentine with your own hands?
Valentine cards are most often made of cardboard or paper, using a variety of materials as decorations. Let’s list a few ideas what to decorate a valentine from paper:
- glitter;
- rhinestones and sequins;
- corrugated paper;
- paper for scrapbooking;
- quilling;
- threads;
- fabric;
- buttons;
- decorative scotch tape;
- foamiran;
- newsprint;
- embroidery;
- paper flowers;
- three-dimensional hearts;
- keys and other decorations.
As you have time to notice, you can use a variety of techniques and decorations to create a Valentine’s card with your own hands. A few ideas for holiday cards we will present right now.

Valentine for Valentine’s Day with his own hands: the easiest way
Valentine with his own hands from paper you can make in the form of an envelope, a heart, an animal figurine. Or make a standard rectangular card. It all depends on your desire, skills and imagination.
The easiest way to make a valentine with your own hands is to print ready-made templates and decorate a postcard yourself. The proven method – trace and cut out a heart on a piece of cardboard or paper.
You can also print out Valentine’s cards on colored paper, make an exclusive card, sign it and give it to someone you love. See the photo for ideas of templates and schemes for valentines.
Valentine for children: new ideas with their own hands
Valentine cards for February 14 are very popular among children. In kindergartens and schools, kids of completely different ages enjoy cutting Valentine’s Day cards for their parents, friends and relatives. A few creative photos for you.
A very cool gift with their own hands is a movable valentine with lots of colorful hearts. A simple paper lever lifts all the elements of the card one by one, and you can read the cute wishes written on them. Also such a valentine is great as a bookmark.
Ladybug Valentine – untie the bow and you can read your wishes or a declaration of love.
A few more creative ideas are valentine questionnaire or cards with a sweet surprise.
Heart in the style of origami
This simple valentine in the form of a heart is sure to cheer up your friends. Follow the step-by-step instructions on the photo to make an origami heart with your own hands. It can be given as a gift or glued to a basic card.
Another way to decorate valentine’s cards in an original way – the technique of quilling.
Volumetric heart in a card – a cool Valentine for February 14 with his own hands.
Valentine with his own hands: a master class for beginners
Even if you have not made valentines with your own hands before, to make such a card will be easy and pleasant for you.
To make 3 different, but very simple valentines, you will need:
- cardboard of two colors;
- paints or felt-tip pens;
- sequins;
- PVA glue;
- sequins, stars or rhinestones;
- gold foil for creativity.
In the first step, we make the blanks for the cards. These can be one-sided Valentine’s cards from half a sheet of cardboard. Or cards from a whole sheet that you rolled in half. To make the card more sturdy, glue a smaller leaf on top of the main cardboard, as in the photo. Draw a heart on it – with felt-tip pens or paints.
Proceed to the decoration of valentines. For the first version, draw small hearts with glue, and then, before it dries, sprinkle glitter. Shake off the excess glitter from the card.
You can give such a Valentine’s Day card to your boyfriend.
The next option for decoration – small stars, sequins or rhinestones. In this case, it is better to fix the decorations with superglue or use a glue gun.
This card will make your friend or sister happy.
Another technique is to decorate the card with glue and foil. Write a wish on the Valentine’s card with glue. While it’s still tacky, apply decorative creativity foil. Press gently so that the outline of the inscription appears on the card. Remove the rest of the foil.
Write a declaration of love and give it to a loved one.
A simple master class on how to make a three-dimensional decorative heart for a Valentine’s Day card. Follow the instructions on the photo.
A few more video instructions on how to make a valentine with your own hands.
I love you: original confession with a card
Valentine for February 14 is not just a gift. It is your love confession, a wish or a romantic surprise. See the ideas of unusual Valentine’s cards for Valentine’s Day, which you can make with your own hands.
You can cut a card not only from paper. Beautiful and unusual valentines are made from fabric, from plywood, from wood and other materials at hand.